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Yes, you've read it right! Martin Nivera and Pops Fernandez are TWOGETHER again in their much awaited Valentine's concert.

Rejoice concert goers! Especially the fans of Martin and Pops! The concert king and queen will be having a concert on February  14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, 2020 at the Theatre in Solaire.

On Valentine's 2020, Starmedia Entertainment and DSL Events and Production House, in association with Solaire Resort and Casino, are very excited to bring back on one stage the country's most iconic concert royalties, The Concert King, MARTIN

The pair that captured the hearts of many on and off-stage are finally coming together again for seven spectacular shows on February 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, 2020 at The Theatre at Solaire.

Fresh from their successful 8-city US tour last August that had an equally successful repeat a few months after in December, fans in Manila also clamored for their turn to  witnesst much-awaited come back of the Concert King and Concert Queen.

Martin Nievera and Pops Fernandez respectively gained their fame as individual performers but it was when they both hosted the famous TV variety show "Penthouse! Live" that fans became captivated by their chemistry and followed their on and off
screen romance.

Despite a shift in their love story, Martin and Pops remain very good friends today  but they undeniably still have that same magnetic chemistry when they perform together on stage.

It has been ten long years since Martin and Pops reunited and headlined a major  concerti Manila on Valentine's day of 2010 and it's about time that they come  TWOGETHER Again for Valentine special a decade after!

No doubt, many fans are eagerly waiting and very excited to see this iconic tandem perform together again, live! With grandiose production numbers, their engaging rapport with the audience, and just the "kilig" we all get from The Concert King and Queen, TWOGETHER AGAIN is sure to be a treat for everyone this Valentine's!

Seasons have passed, things have changed but Martin and Pops still prove that together, they are still SENSATIONAL!

Tickets are now available at all TICKETWORLD outlets (8891-9999 | www.ticketworld.com.ph) at Php 7500, Php 5500, Php 3500, Php 2500, Php1500 and Php 1250.
TWOGETHER AGAIN is Co-Presented by: PLDT and supported by Major Sponsors:
  • Farlin Baby Products 
  • ZimCleanser
  • Nurture
  • Debt Aid Consulting International, 
  • and Doon Thai 
  • and Asian Fusion Cuisine 
  • and Minor Sponsor: West Avenue Suites. 
Media Partners: 
  • Philippine Star
  • People's Journal
  • People's Tonight a
  • Crossover 105.1
The show is also for the benefit of Knox United Methodist Church.

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