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The topic of "Healing" crosses over any political beliefs, status, race or religion. I for one is a Roman Catholic. My parents had me baptized when I was a little girl and I studied from grade school to high school in a Catholic School. I was a Catechist and a member of Campus Ministry (CM) back in college. I teach Cathechesis to high school students at the University of Nueva Caceres during my spare time back then. It was an amazing journey. I love praying the rosary and attending mass everyday. I might appear to be boring to a lot of people. My life revolves between school, chapel, Campus Ministry and home. Good girl? Yes, I am. And I honored my father and mother 'til their dying days. Jesus said, blessed are the orphans for the kingdom of heaven will always be with them!

I was invited to attend the healing conference by Hiram G. Pangilinan last July 30, 2016, at the Cuneta Astrodome in Pasay City through Zoey Broadcasting Corporation's Marketing Manager Mr. Nestor Tugade Layderos. I got the tickets on the night of the event and sadly the office of the company is very far from my home. I reached home at around eleven o' clock in the evening and I can't call my friends just for the tickets. So, I posted it on Facebook.  Unfortunately, there were no takers.  I felt the need to give away the tickets and I just did that. I hope they benifitted from it. So, even if I was alone, I troop to the Cuneta Astrodome in Pasay City. I was already at Cuneta Astrodome from 7 o'clock in the morning. It was my first time to set foot inside the legendary location where the healing seminar was held. As a young wide-eyed kid, I used to watch PBA back in my home province.  I know for a fact that it is the Cuneta Astrodome in Pasay City who houses and was considered the original home of the PBA. But somewhere along the way PBA was relocated at the center of Cubao in Quezon City.  

Amazing! Yes! That's the one word that describes the huge turn out of people at the said venue during the healing seminar.

Seeing all those folks from all walks of life was simply amazing! Their faith blew me away!

It made me realized that a lot of people are sick nowadays. No wonder, drug stores almost always made a killing. Hospitals, medical practitioners even quack doctors thrives. Selling various medicines and treatments to heal people from their various illnesses. Some of the attendees are in wheel chairs, some has literal pains and illnesses others are suffering from emotional and mental anguish & pain. Various people from all walks of life were present. Hoping against hope to be free from their various illnesses and pains. 

Pastor Panganiban lead the pack. He was an amazing speaker. He has the talent to connect to his audience. Speaking primarily in "Tagalog" he landed messages and teachings upon the lap of each one present at the Astrodome. I saw former Miss Universe first runner-up, Mirriam Quiambao, Singer Dulce sang powerful songs and acted as one of the hosts during the event. I also bump into my classmate in college Lane. She is a cancer survivor. She came with her friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Pastor Panganiban was hoping to activate an army of healers during that event. I hope against hope that each of the individual present during the event had activated their gift of healing! 

I believe in God. I believe that if you have faith the size of a mustard seeds you can move mountains. Mind conditioning can be done. If you convince a person that he or she has the ability to heal, no one can stop him/her from healing herself/himself and others as well.

Basically Pastor Panganiban's message is that Jesus died on the cross for us. He died because he redeemed us from our sins and from our ailments. No ailment should be ever be present in our bodies because Jesus had already paid for it. Not even breast cancer or other terminal illneses. They have no right to stay in our bodies.

Cast out demons and illnesses from your body as well as from other bodies by simply believing that Jesus had already paid for our sins. Shocking? Think again! God has sent HIS only begotten son and died on the cross to redeemed us from sins. Jesus had endured all the nastiest treatments and was the trending topic during that time. Yes, there's no tweeter , Facebook, instagram or snapchat yet. But hordes of people came to witness and had judge him wrongfully. Jesus suffered physically, mentally and emotionally for us. He was bullied, ridiculed, whipped, crowned with thorns, nailed on the cross, persecuted and his disciples betrayed him. They turned their back on him when he needed them most. What can be more moving than that? Jesus, the only begotten son of God was shamed, hurt and tortured to death. So when you at times find yourself hurt by how people misjudged you. Think again. Jesus suffered the same fate and had been hurt beyond your pain to save you from your sins. We are so lucky to have such a loving and merciful God. Because each one of us is God's beloved.

The problem with today's society is that we are so judgemental. Some people tend to bear false witness against thy neighbour be it in twitter, facebook, snapchat, blogs or instagram. Taking or shall I say ingest everything, half truth and all. How could someone believe such lies? Tell me! Why don't you have the guts to go against those wrong accusations? I alwayd finf myself the benificiary of wrong information. I am always misjudged,  people take offence even if I mean well. They say bad things about me to others. I am so fed up. Damn if you do, damn if you don't! How could other people ingest every lie, wrapper and all? Well, God had freed me from the bondage of fear. I know that all I have to do is to give everything to God and he will be the one to take care of all my woes and misery. For I am God's wonderful creation. No one could look down on me. Not even myself. For I am wonderfully made by God. Darling child, you are the reason of HIS being. 

When you are down and weary trust God. Put your whole trust to the Alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end. God will take care of your load. Give back to Jesus, every hurt, every pain, every load, every scream, every nightmare, every emotion, every dream. 

As a Christian, it is your obligation to follow God's rules. After all, he had only given us 10 commandments to try to follow to the letter. Even if thousands of years passed by being good is still good and being immoral is no good. So don't lie. Stop those stupid lies. I am so fed up with liars. Why can't they be truthful? For always, the truth will set them free. Desiderata poem advices us to avoid loud and aggressive person/s because they are vexations to the spirit.  Follow God's ten commandments and you will received his everlasting blessings. Because God perfectly love us! For God the Father in Heaven each one of us is a perfect 10! 

Be healed. Relax, trust God. God is God of everything.

God's powerful champion.



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