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Timing is key for getting pregnant

Timing is key for getting pregnant

A lot of married couples would be happy to know this piece of information. Did you know that when you plan to get pregnant, you want the result right away. However, pregnancy does not happen in just a blink of an eye. 

It needs timing, knowing when the woman ovulates and keeping man’s sperms healthy. 

Pinpointing ovulation is one of the first things that the couple should take a look.

There’s a small window of opportunity for a woman’s body to be ready for conception in a single cycle – that is when the body releases the egg.

At that time, according to www.pregnancytips.org, it is important that the sperm is able to catch the egg for more chances of conceiving, otherwise, the couple would have to wait for another cycle to try getting pregnant again.

There are several ways for a woman to pinpoint ovulation. There are many tools available over the counter such as an ovulation predictor kit and a basal body thermometer to pinpoint ovulation. 

There are also free fertility app calculators for both android and iPhone users to expect when their next ovulation is, for women with regular cycle. Knowing and being able to pinpoint when you ovulate is the number one way to get more chances of conceiving. Go for it!

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